Possible refutation of the flat earth idea (when you don't know science like me)

April 03 · 5 mins read

At the office yesterday, my officemates were trying to play as “flat-earthers” pretending to refute spherical-earth proofs that are thrown at them.

Because I don’t have that much knowledge about the proofs for or against a spherical earth, I was not able to give a very good refutation of the flat-earth idea.

At the end, the pseudo-proof that I gave was this:

“You don’t really believe that the earth is flat.”

Lame answer. :laughing:

They would have replied:

“Ikaw na lang mag-kami!” (In English, that is like saying “Make yourself to be us! (So you can really know what we believe)”)

They didn’t reply, of course. Because they do not really believe that the earth is flat. They were just playing as flat-earthers.

And because I am felt uncomfortable not having an answer to questions like that, when I got home during the night I listened to an interview titled “Dr. Jason Lisle Destroys Flat Earth Nonsense!” which I saved, from youtube, for offline listening before I went out of the office. I paused the video at about 32:40 mins to write something which I think can be used as a refutation to the flat-earth idea (which can still be used even if we don’t have much knowledge about science)

  1. Our/people’s senses and memory are generally reliable.
    (This was originally “Our creator told us that our senses and memory are reliable”, because that is what I was taught. But I changed it in favor of those who do not believe in a creator. Of course I understand that neutrality is impossible, as I was taught, but let me try to be “neutral” this time :blush:)

  2. Many ours/people all over the world over time have observed using their senses that the earth is a globe. (We can even observe that ourselves if we have an expert to guide us.) They also have written what they remember they have observed. (We can ask our friend, google [search engine], for those writings.)

  3. Therefore, the earth is a globe.

Some possible objections and responses to those objections:

Our senses and memory are not reliable.

  • Try proving the earth is flat without relying on your senses and memory.

We don’t have to prove anything.

  • Then, I conclude, without proofs, that the earth is a globe.

The experts might be lying to us

  • We can be able to know if they are lying or not by doing the experiments that they did and see if the results are truly what they say the results are.

  • The non-experts might be lying to us too.

One of the writings that refutes flat earth is this one posted below. It contains only 0s and 1s but some of our ancestors invented some things that can turn these 0s and 1s into picture(s) and sounds! Isn’t that wonderful!?

Update June 27, 2021: Please read this very interesting article by Michael Heiser: “Christians Who Believe the Earth is Really Flat — Does It Get Any Dumber Than This?”

The biblical writers do indeed describe a flat round earth (with other features the flat earthers skip; see below). They wrote about the world this way because they lived at a time before knowledge of the natural world was sufficient to demonstrate otherwise.

I can already hear the comeback. “Let God be true and every man a liar!” Let me just say God isn’t a liar. He knows (and knew) the earth is a globe. It just happens that the people he chose to produce this thing we call the Bible didn’t know that. And God couldn’t have cared less. The writers God used to produce the Bible were not inspired to write about things of the natural world that were beyond their own worldview and knowledge base. And to argue (as normal 24-hour day creationists do) that God gave them advanced scientific knowledge, or that such advanced knowledge is encrypted in the biblical text, means that what they wrote could never have communicated that important knowledge to their original audience (or any audience prior to recent centuries). These approaches are absurd and undermine the communicative purpose of the Bible.

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