Why blog?

9 mins read

Why Blog?

So that we will have something to laugh about when we get older, of course!


It’s been a while since my last post. I do not yet know how to say the next things I want to say. So for now, here are some quotes about blogging (moved here from the memorabilia section of this site):

Vaughn Vernon has this to say to the question “Do you have any recommendations for newbie blog writers?” in the comments section of one of his articles:

“Write about what you are doing. When you face a tough problem in your work then you find a breakthrough, it’s probably something others will face. Blog about it.” - Vaughn Vernon

Sandro Mancuso (page 47 of “The Software Craftsman”)

(Chapter 4 is also published here

… do not think that just experienced professionals should write blogs. All software developers should have their own blogs, regardless of how much experience they have. We should all share our experiences and findings and help to create a great community of professionals. Sometimes we may think that we are not good enough or do not have much to say. We may think that we don’t have an original idea and no one will read our blog anyway.

First of all, we should treat our blog as a record of our own learning and progression — a history of our thoughts, ideas, and views of the world over our careers. We should not worry too much about what other people will think about it. We should first write it for ourselves. Even if developers more experienced than us have written about the subject many times before, it is worth writing whatever we are currently learning anyway. Every year there are thousands of new developers joining our industry and they will need to learn many of the things we are learning now. Maybe for them, our blogs will be very useful since we will be writing them from the perspective of a beginner.

Do not worry about being judged by more senior developers because that is not going to happen. Whenever we Google for something and the first link we click leads to something we already know, we just jump to the next link. All developers should appreciate the effort that other developers make to write and share their views with the rest of the world, for free.

John Sonmez (in “Blogging for Software Developers”)

Aside from the external opportunities blogging offers you, it offers some great personal development opportunities as well.

I don’t think there is any better way to improve your communication skills than writing.

Writing teaches you to organize your thoughts clearly in a way that other people can understand.

The more you write, the better of a communicator you’ll become in general.

Blogging also helps you keep track of your own career and progress, as well as provides some historical documentation and reference material which you can look back on to see how you solved a particular problem in the past.

(I hope I will become a very good communicator :smile:)

Robert C. Martin aka Uncle Bob (from “I am Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob). Ask me anything.”)

Q: What’s the best non-code/non-technical thing someone can do to be a better programmer? A: Read and write. Read a lot and write a lot.

William Lane Craig (in “How to Cure Slow Thinking”)

“… write down your better responses so that they’ll stick in your memory.”

Uncle Bob (in blog post “Types and Tests”)

“… debate with someone in the future by posting your refutation in the past.”

Isaac Morehouse (in “Forward Tilt: An Almanac for personal growth”)

Writing is one of the most important things you can become proficient at.

The more your write, the better you get. The better you are, the better you can communicate ideas, build a network, and establish a presence.

Don’t worry about how it might sound to others. Fewer people read your stuff than you assume (no matter how famous you get!), and anyway, daily writing is for you, not them.

Jordan Peterson (in a facebook post)

If you can think, and speak, and write, you are absolutely deadly. Learn to write because writing is thinking formalized.⁣

“You CAN Teach an Old Dog New Tricks” by Brian Stevens

… whatever helps you learn best, take good notes. Whether in a blog, a notebook or by documenting your questions and results within posts on Stack Overflow, finding a way to get back to the lessons you learned reinforces what you learned. Equally importantly, it enables sharing that learning with others so that we can all become great developers in time.

Some quotes on writing

“I never know what I think about something until I read what I’ve written on it.” — William Faulkner

“I write because I don’t know what I think until I read what I say.” — Flannery O’Connor

Some quotes on quoting others:

“… he who never quotes will never be quoted. He who will not use the thoughts of other men’s brains, proves that he has no brains of his own. You need to read.” — Charles Spurgeon

“Honestly, most of the stuff I find is better than the stuff I write, so why not pass it on?”— Derek Rishmawy (from the comments section of “Is Christianity Individualistic or Collectivist? “Yes” – C.S. Lewis and J. Gresham Machen”)

“People need to be reminded more often than they need to be instructed.” — Samuel Johnson (quoted in Book 3 Chapter 3 of Mere Christianity)

“The notion that we can dismiss the views of all previous thinkers surely leaves no basis for the hope that our own work will prove of any value to others.” — Morris R. Cohen (quoted in the Preface of “Economics in One Lesson” by Henry Hazlitt)

[This post is one of the what-they-call evolving] notes in this site]

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