Great Quotes from "The Craftsman Series" of Uncle Bob Martin

You can see the whole series here, a github repository I forked from Igor Popov.

The Craftsman #3: Clarity and Collaboration

We work as a team around here, so there is no code I call my own. Do you consider this code yours now?”

“Remember this. From now on when you write a module, get help with it and keep it clean. If you hand in anything below those standards you won’t last long here.

The Craftsman #4: Clarity and Collaboration

Don’t become vested in your code. This was just thirty minutes worth of work. It’s not that big a deal. You need to be ready to throw away a lot more code than that if you want to become any kind of a programmer. Often the best thing you can do with a batch of code is throw it out.

“But that’s such a waste!” I blurted.

“Do you think the value of a program is in the code?” he asked. “It’s not. The value of a program is in your head.”

“Did you notice whether the new code was better or worse than the code you lost?” he asked.

“Oh, it was much better.” I said, regretting my words the instant I said them. “I was able to use a much better structure the second time.”

He smiled. “So for an extra 25% effort, you wound up with a better solution.”

The Craftsman #5: Baby Steps

public static int[] factor(int multiple) {
    return new int[] {2};

He ignored me and continued. “Every time you add a new test case, you have to make it pass by making the code more general. Now go back and make the simplest change that is more general than your first solution.”

I thought about this for a minute. At last Jerry had asked me something that might require a few brain cells. Yes, there was a more general solution. I took the keyboard and typed:

public static int[] factor(int multiple) {
    return new int[] {multiple};

The Craftsman #6: Once Is Not Enough

“What I’m doing here is called Intentional Programming.” Jerry said. I’m calling code that doesn’t yet exist. As I do so, I express my intent about what that code should look like, and how it should behave.”

“But how do you know SocketService will need the connections method?”

“Oh, it probably doesn’t. I’m just putting it there so I can test it.”

“Isn’t that wasteful?” I queried?

Jerry looked me sternly in the eye and replied: “Nothing that makes a test easy is wasted, Alphonse. We often add methods to classes simply to make the classes easier to test.”

I didn’t like the connections() method, but I held my tongue for the moment.

accept is a blocking function

… I needed to call the connect function after calling accept, but when you call accept, it won’t return until you call connect. At first this sounded impossible.

“It’s not impossible, Alphonse.” said Jerry. “You just have to create a thread.”

I thought about this a little more. Yes, I could put the call to accept in a separate thread. Then I could invoke that thread and then call connect.

“How did you know, Jerry? Are you related to the oracle of Aldebran?”

“No, I’ve just written this kind of code before, and I know a little bit about what to expect. Can you work out what’s happening? Think it through carefully.”

“I think you’re right.” Jerry said. “The two events – accept and close – are asynchronous, and the system is sensitive to their order. We call that a race condition. We have to make sure we always win the race.

“When you are dealing with multiple threads, you have to keep an eye out for possible race conditions. Hitting the test button multiple times is a good habit to get into.”

“It’s a good thing we found this in our test cases.” I said. “Finding it after the system was running would have been a lot harder.”

The Craftsman #7: Once Is Not Enough

I didn’t care for that. I said: “Why should we pollute SocketService with a “Hello” message just to satisfy our tests? It would be good to test that the SocketService can send a message, but we don’t want the message to be part of the SocketService code!”

“Right!” Jerry agreed. “We want the message to be specified by, and verified by, the test.”

“How do we do that?” I asked.

Jerry smiled and said: “We’ll use the Mock Object pattern. In short, we create an interface that the SocketService will execute after receiving a connection. We’ll have the test implement that interface to send the “Hello” message. Then we’ll have the test read the message from the client socket and verify that it was sent correctly.”

Comment: seems like some of the code that should be in here, such as those for setUp and tearDown, are missing… they are in #8!

The tests all passed.

“That was pretty easy.” Said Jerry.

“Yeah. That Mock Object pattern is pretty useful. It let us keep all the test code in the test module. The SocketService doesn’t know anything about it.”

“It’s even more useful than that.” Jerry replied. “Real servers will also implement the SocketServer interface.”

“I can see that.” I said. “Interesting that the needs of a unit test drove us to create a design that would be generally useful.”

“That happens all the time.” Said Jerry. “Tests are users too. The needs of the tests are often the same as the needs of the real users.”

“But why is it called Mock Object?”

“Think of it this way. The HelloServer is a substitute for, or a mock-up of, a real server. The pattern allows us to substitute test mock-ups into real application code.”

The Craftsman #8: Socket Service 3 (Tests are a form of documentation)

… I got to thinking about how remarkable it was to use tests as a design tool

“If you were just coming onto this project, and I showed you these tests, what would they teach you?”

“You mean we wrote these tests as examples to show to others?”

“That’s part of the reason, Alphonse. Yes. Others will be able to read these tests and see how to work the code we’re writing. They’ll also be able to work through our reasoning. Moreover, they’ll be able to compile and execute these tests in order to prove to themselves that our reasoning was sound.”

The Craftsman #9: Dangerous Threads

… “I wanted two sessions open simultaneously. “


Jerry gave me a curious look and said: “Because then the serve method in the SocketService class will have been entered twice, in two different threads, before either had had a change to exit. When a function is entered more than once before it exits, it is called reentrant.”

“But why do you want to test it?”

“Because reentrant functions often give us the most interesting kinds of problems.”

“We need to put itsServer.serve in its own thread so that the loop can return without waiting for it.”

The Craftsman #10: Dangling Threads (Iterations Unbound)

“… Joins can take awhile. It’s not good to leave iterator open for long periods when other threads might try to modify the list.

“Alponse, whenever you have a container being modified by many different threads, there is a chance that the two threads will collide inside the container. One thread might be in the middle of adding an element while another thread is in the middle of deleting one. When that happens the container can get corrupted and bizarre things can start happening.”

“Oh, so you mean we should synchronize access to the container?”

“Yes, that’s exactly what I mean. We need to make sure that while the container is being modified, no other thread can access it.”

“OK, I can do that. It’s pretty simple!” So I proceeded to surround the add statement and the two remove statements with synchronized(serverThreads){...}. I ran the tests, and they all still worked.

private List serverThreads = Collections.synchronizedList(new LinkedList());

“… Have you heard of the Decorator pattern?”

“The synchronizedList function that we just called wraps the LinkedList in a Decorator. All calls to the LinkedList are synchronized by it.”

“That sounds like a pretty good solution.” I said.

“Yeah, well, you just have to remember to explicitly synchronize any use of an iterator.” He grimaced.

“Really? You mean iteration isn’t synchronized in a synchronized list?”

The Craftsman #11: What's main() got to do with it

Jerry looked at me expectantly and asked: “How do you think we should start?”

“I think I’d like to know how the user will use it.” I responded.

“Excellent! Starting from the user’s point of view is always a good idea. So what’s the simplest thing the user can do with this tool?”

“Excuse me!” Jerry Interrupted. “Do you have a test for that?”

“Huh? What do you mean? This is trivial code, why should we write a test for it?”

“If you don’t write a test for it, how do you know you need it?”

“You see?” He explained. “I like to evaluate each command line argument in its own function, rather than mixing all that parsing and evaluating code together.”

While I was typing, it struck me as odd that I was writing all the production code, and yet the design was all Jerry’s. And yet, all Jerry was doing was writing little test cases. Can you really specify a design by writing test cases?

The Craftsman #12 :Three Ugly Lines

“It’s just a four lines of code.” I said. “Hardly major duplication.”

“True.” Jerry replied. “But duplication should always be removed as soon as possible. If you allow duplicate code to accumulate in your project you’ll find yourself with a huge source of confusion and bugs.”

“No, you don’t need to write the server.” Jerry said. “At this point all we are testing is the client’s ability to send the file, not the servers ability to receive it. “

“How can I send the file without having a server to receive it?”

“You can create a stub server that does as little work as possible. It doesn’t have to receive the file at first, it just has to acknowledge that you sent the file correctly.”

“So…hmmm…something like this?”


I didn’t type this all at once. I didn’t want to have to dodge another muon pulse. So I made the changes in much smaller steps, running the tests in between each step.

The Craftsman #13: Objects

“Because”, said Jeremy, “the most important trait of a good programmer is the ability to think abstractly. Very few programmers can actually do that. You have just proven that you can.”

The Craftsman #14: Transaction Actions

… But before I go, I’d like your thoughts on that instanceof you used in the mock server.”

“That was the simplest thing I could think of to check whether or not the incoming object was a CompileFileTransaction.” I said. “Is there something wrong with it?”

She stood up, preparing to leave. She looked down at me and said: “No, nothing horribly wrong. But do you think that’s what the real server is going to do? Do you think the real server will have a long if/else chain of instanceof expressions to parse the incoming transactions?

The Craftsman #15: Ess Are Pee

Do you know the Single Responsibility Principle Jasmine? Have you heard of it? Have you studied it? Well I have. Do you know what it says, Jasmine? It says that a class should have one and only one reason to change, Jasmine. It says that all the functions and variables of a class should work together towards a single goal, Jasmine. It says that a class should not try to accomplish more than one goal.

“Remember the compileFile function Jasmine, remember how it used to read the file and pass a char array into the CompileFileTransaction? You asked me what I didn’t LIKE about that function. Well I’ll TELL you what I didn’t LIKE about it, Jasmine; it was VIOLATING the SRP! It had TWO reasons to change, instead of ONE. It depended BOTH on the details of reading a file, AND on the policy of building and sending transactions. That’s TOO MUCH RESPONSIBILITY Jasmine.”

The Craftsman #16: Excess Politesse

“FileCarrier reads the file with a single read, and writes it with a single write. This works for small examples, but there are a few problems with it. First of all, I’m not convinced that the read won’t abort early, filling only part of the array. Secondly, the carried file is going to be transmitted over a socket to another system. That system may use a different line-end character. So I don’t think FileCarrier will work well across foreign systems.”

Template Method pattern used in test… awesome!

… These five test cases had a lot of duplicate code. Each wrote two files. Each compared the two files. Each deleted the two files. To get rid of this duplication I used the Template Method pattern. I moved all the common code into an abstract base class called FileComparator…

The Craftsman #17: Call in the Guards

“Oh, now, dear! How long have you been working here? You’ve got to write a test first, dear. You can’t just go off writing the main function! Where would we be if everyone just wrote the functions without writing the tests first? I can tell you where – In a pickle, that’s where. No, dear, you delete that and write a test first.

“Oh my, now nice that looks! I think it’s very clever how you commented those else statements. Though I wonder if it wouldn’t be more readable if you inverted the sense of the if statements and used them as guards. No, dear, don’t change it yet. Let’s see if it works first. It’s never worth making lots of changes until you know whether the program work or not, don’t you agree? First make it work, then make it right.”

“Well I do think that looks a little better, though I can’t say I care for that duplicated close statement. And the violation of single/entry, single/exit is a bit bothersome. Still, it’s better than all that indentation, don’t you agree? Of course we could change those three functions to throw exceptions, but then we’d have to catch them, and that would be a bother. No, let’s leave it like that for the time being…”