My Notes on Uncle Bob Martin's talks on Clean Architecture

"The database is not the center of the application."
"The Web is a delivery mechanism."
"The Web drove out of our range the architectural ideas Jacobson had given us."

May 22 · 5 mins read

Thomas Pierrain’s articles on hexagonal architecture, and his articles on “Outside-in Diamond TDD” (which I need to spend more time on later to understand it full well) brought back my interest for Clean Architecture.

I have things in mind to write about it… and so…

A link to Uncle Bob Martin’s talk on Clean Architecture is needed in my next blog posts. But, where is my post transcribing his talks about it!?

Nothing. I found nothing. I got lazy transcribing my handwritten notes a few years ago.

My treasured learning from Uncle Bob: Clean Architecture — and I do not have an existing post dedicated to his talks about it!?

Therefore, this post.

I’ll just put here the scanned copies of my notes instead of transcribing them to typewritten text.

Notes on “Clean Architecture - NDC 2012”

Clean Architecture - NDC 2012 (1 of 3)

Clean Architecture - NDC 2012 (2 of 3)

Clean Architecture - NDC 2012 (3 of 3)

Notes on “Clean Architecture and Design - NDC 2013”

Clean Architecture and Design - NDC 2013 (1 of 9)

Clean Architecture and Design - NDC 2013 (2 of 9)

Clean Architecture and Design - NDC 2013 (3 of 9)

Clean Architecture and Design - NDC 2013 (4 of 9)

Clean Architecture and Design - NDC 2013 (5 of 9)

Clean Architecture and Design - NDC 2013 (6 of 9)

Clean Architecture and Design - NDC 2013 (7 of 9)

Clean Architecture and Design - NDC 2013 (8 of 9)

Clean Architecture and Design - NDC 2013 (9 of 9)

Notes on “Agility and Architecture - OOP 2015”

Agility and Architecture - OOP 2015 (1 of 3)

Agility and Architecture - OOP 2015 (2 of 3)

Agility and Architecture - OOP 2015 (3 of 3)

Notes on “Architecture: the Lost Years - Ruby Midwest 2011”

Architecture: the Lost Years - Ruby Midwest 2011 (1 of 6)

Architecture: the Lost Years - Ruby Midwest 2011 (2 of 6)

Architecture: the Lost Years - Ruby Midwest 2011 (3 of 6)

Architecture: the Lost Years - Ruby Midwest 2011 (4 of 6)

Architecture: the Lost Years - Ruby Midwest 2011 (5 of 6)

Architecture: the Lost Years - Ruby Midwest 2011 (6 of 6)

Some resources which talks about the similarity between Clean, Hexagonal, Onion, Ports & Adapters and other similar architectures:

“The Clean Architecture” by Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob)

“A zoom on the hexagonal/clean/onion architecture” by Thomas Pierrain (his post “Hexagonal != Layers” is also very good!

“Layers, Onions, Ports, Adapters: it’s all the same” by Mark Seemann

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